Thursday 1 May 2014


I didn't think I could possibly be this dumb second time but I have been again! In my other blog a quickly months ago I tlaked about how I went out running and then when I finished I ended up with plantar fasciitis you would think that the painful lesson of getting this condition which literally feels like your feet have been set on fire would have taught me to look after my feet and make sure I never get plantar fasciitis ever again.. well you would think but me I must be dumb or something because guess what... YES THAT RIGHT I HAVE IT AGAIN. I think the reason why is that I was stupid enough to think I didn't have to wear my special plantar fasciitis insoles anymore and took them out of my shoes... I really dunno why because they were making my shoes more comfortable.. I think it was though because of the warm whether and my feet were getting sweaty so I took the insoles out.. big mistake. It only took me 30 minutes to inflame my feet and get plantar fasciitis again. This now confirms it for me that the underlining problem and why I get it is that lack of support in my shoes combined with running and putting stress on my feet is what is causing all of this to happen. Well I will not take my insoles out any more from now on! I hope my feet heal up quickly I dont want to be waiting around not being able to play sport and run like last time I got it.

This has shown me just how important a good pair of insoles are though. mine didn't cost me a lot! so if you having the same problems and reoccurring plantar fasciits then get some and do be silly and dont take them out.